Saturday 25 August 2012

Real motorcyclists

Vespas appear to attract attention and make people smile. It's not uncommon for people to give a thumbs up sign to us (even as we spew 2-stroke exhaust fumes over their roadside cafe table)
And we've noticed how we seem to be accepted as "motorcyclists" by even the most hardy of "real motorcyclists". There is a special acknowledgement sign among passing motorcyclists (if you are a motorcyclist then you know what I mean, if you are not then you are not worthy) and it tickles me that the BMW, Ducati, Harley, Yamaha etc etc motorcyclists include us in this acknowledgement.
I think there is a general respect that we are all travellers on two wheels regardless of our marque or coolness.
However I notice that we don't do this acknowledgement with kids in tshirts on 50cc mopeds - I think this comes back to a previous post. Kids in tshirts are on their bikes because they needs to GET somewhere. Real motorcyclists are on their machine of choice because want to be.

I especially like the acknowledgement sign you make as you overtake another motorcyclist. Obviously we haven't had the opportunity to do this to someone yet

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear that things are looking up again. Isn't there a song about a Summer Camp .. Camp Granda? Perhaps this could become your theme tune.

    This signalling between travellers applies to other forms of transport. Your sister gets it with the Defender and I get it in the TF. I think it's more, "OMG your mad to and suffering just like me". I have to say they are usually smiling.
    The scenery sounds wonderful.
