Wednesday 22 August 2012

Oh Fuck :-(

My scooter is sick :-(
Currently standing on roadside at 20:30 at night waiting for breakdown recovery.

After our lunchtime top up of SP98 petrol things were looking up - she ran fairly well for an hour or so - a couple of hiccups but I guessed that was just the diluted E10 fuel.
However as we hit Le Mans she started coughing and spluttering again. To be clear....
She start no problem
She idles no problem
But sometimes she can't pull when I throttle up - the is no power - she bums out
Sometimes with some heavy handed blipping of the throttle she'll clear and carry on but most time she just runs out of power and I have to coast to a stop (though engine still running)

So we pulled into a SuperU supermarket carpark to do some proper investigation. And decided to drain all the petrol in my tank and fill with new SP98.
Scott found an old bicycle inner tube and with a bit of jiggery pokery we syphoned a good 3 litres out into coke bottles (and disposed of in the most responsible way we could find - in a ditch :-(
Lorne had been checking on the Internet the consequences of using E10 petrol (remember we weren't absolutely sure that I had actually put E10 in - Lorne and Scott had used the same pump and they appeared to be ok - though my engine is considerably older). Lorne discovered that E10 cleans the deposits out of tanks and carbs - and if used in the wrong engine then can jam up jets - so out came my jets for a blow through.
It was pretty sweaty work in the mid afternoon sun and i have to admit I was getting frustrated and tired - so much so that when kick starting her after refilling with a full rank of clean SP98, I dropped her onto her side! I've never done that before, I just couldn't hold her up and she toppled over! (minor scratches)

Did the clean tank work?
Well even after what we considered to be enough time to allow old fuel in the line flow through, she was still spluttering and we simply couldn't make progress.

And so here I am stuck on the side of the road waiting for a breakdown truck. Lorne and Scott went on ahead to find a campsite and I am left here feeling a little sad and a lot foolish

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